Una raccolta di lavori utili a che vuole approfondire i vantaggi dell’ agricoltura biologica ma anche le sue problematiche incluso il problema della capacitá dell’agricoltura biologica di sfamare il mondo.

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1) Udikovic-Kolic, N., Wichmann, F., Broderick, N.A., Handelsman, J., 2014. Bloom of resident antibiotic-resistant
    bacteria in soil following manure fertilization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 
    Vol. 111 no. 42 15202–15207

2) Burger, H., Schloen, M., Schmidt, W., Geiger, H.H., 2008. Quantitative genetic studies on breeding maize 
    for adaptation to organic farming. Euphytica 163: 501 – 510

3) Ollerton, J., Erenler, H., Edwards, M., Crockett, R., 2014. Extinctions of aculeate pollinators in Britain and the 
    role of large-scale agricultural changes. Science 346 (6215): 1360 – 1362

4) Kamran, A., Kubota, H., Yang, R-C., et al. 2014. Relative performance of Canadian spring wheat cultivars under 
    organic and conventional field conditions. Euphytica 196:13–24

5) Wolfe, M.S., Baresel, J.P., Desclaux, D., Goldringer, I., et al. 2008. Developments in breeding cereals for organic 
    agriculture. Euphytica 163: 323–346

6) Phalan, B., Rodrigues, A.S., Balmford, A., et al. 2007. Comment on "Resource-conserving agriculture increases yields in                       developing countries". Environmental Science and Technology 41: 1054-1055

7) Ponisio, L.C., M'Gonigle, L.K., Mace, K.C., Palomino, J., de Valpine, P., Kremen, C., 2014. Diversification practices 
    reduce organic to conventional yield gap. Proceeding Royal Society B 282 20141396

8) Serpolay, E., Dawson, J.C., Chable, V. et al. 2011. Diversity of different farmer and modern wheat varieties 
    cultivated in contrasting organic farming conditions in Western Europe and implications for European 
    seed and variety legislation. Organic Agriculture 1:127–145

9) Suso, M.J., del Río, R., 2014. Faba bean gene-pools development for low-input agriculture: understanding early 
    stages of natural selection. Euphytica 196:13–24 seed and variety legislation. Organic Agriculture 1:127–145

10) De Schutter, O. 2014. Final report: The transformative potential of the right to food. Report of the 
       special rapporteur on the right to food. United Nations General Assembly, A/HRC/25/57, 1-28

11) Bedini, S., Avio, L., Sbrana, C., et al. 2013. Mycorrhizal activity and diversity in a long-term organic 
       Mediterranean agro ecosystem. Biology and Fertility of Soils 49:781–790

12) Migliorini, P., Moschini, V., Tittarelli, F., et al. 2014. Agronomic performance, carbon storage and nitrogen 
       utilization of long-term organic and conventional stockless arable systems in Mediterranean area. 
       European Journal of Agronomy 52: 138–145

13) Badgley, C., Moghtader, J., Quintero, E., et al. 2007. Organic agriculture and the global food supply. 
       Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 22(2): 86–108

14) Bennett, M., Franzel, S., 2013. Can organic and resource-conserving agriculture improve livelihoods? 
       A synthesis. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 11 (3): 193–215

15) Pretty, J.N., Noble, A.D., Bossio, et al. 2006. Resource-Conserving Agriculture Increases Yields in Developing 
       Countries. Environmental Science & Technology 40 (4): 1114 – 1119

16) Forster, D., Andres, C., Verma, R., et al. 2014. Productivity and Profitability of Cotton-based Production 
       Systems under Organic and Conventional Management in India. Proceedings of the 4th ISOFAR  
       Scientific Conference (Rahmann, G., and Aksoy, U., eds) “Building Organic Bridges”, at the Organic 
       World Congress 2014, 13-15 Oct., Istanbul, Turkey (eprint ID 24285): 647 – 650

17) Torricelli, R., Negri, V., Ciancaleoni, S., 2014. Performance and stability of homogeneous and heterogeneous 
       broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Plenck) varieties in organic and low-input conditions. 
       Euphytica 199: 385–395 

18) Ammann, K., 2009. Why farming with high tech methods should integrate elements of organic agriculture. 
      New Biotechnology 25 (6): 378 – 388

19) Mazzoncini, M., Antichi, D., Silvestri, N., et al. 2014. Organically vs conventionally grown winter wheat: effects 
      on grain yield, technological quality, and on phenolic composition and antioxidant properties of bran and 
      refined flour. Food Chemistry, doi:

20) Pittelkow, C.M., Liang, X., Linquist, B.A., et al. 2015. Productivity limits and potentials of the principles of 
       conservation agriculture. Nature 517: 365-368

21) Pretty, J., Hine, R.E., Morison, J.I.L., et al. 2007. Response to Comment on “Resource-Conserving Agriculture 
       Increases Yields in Developing Countries”. Environmental Science and Technology 41 (3): 1056–1057

22) Ceccarelli, S., 2014 GMO, Organic Agriculture and Breeding for Sustainability. Sustainability 6: 4273 – 4286

       nce and Technology 41 (3): 1056–1057

23) Migliorini,P., Vazzana, C., 2007. Biodiversity Indicators for Sustainability Evaluation of Conventional and 
      Organic Agro - ecosystems. Italian Journal of Agronomy 2: 105–110

24) Tilman, D., 1998. The greening of the green revolution. Nature 396: 211–212

25) Sánchez-Bayo, F. 2014. The trouble with neonicotinoids. Science 346, 6211: 806-807 


26) De Ponti, T., Rijk, B., van Ittersum, M.K. 2012. The crop yield gap between organic and conventional agriculture. 
       Agricultural Systems 108: 1–9


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